What's your daily routine?

This post will get pretty detailed in what my daily routine(s) look like.  I hope it's not overwhelming (or even boring) to read through, but I thought it would be interesting to share.  The point of this post is that it is the routine that is important...not the schedule I follow.  No matter where you are in your journey, I've found that following a routine will increase both mental and physical results.

Two things that have helped me the most get back into shape and feel better about myself are:

  1. Creating an exercise journal (which I covered in my last post)
  2. Following daily routines  

They complement each other nicely as I can track my progress and train my brain that there are daily tasks to be done.  


Creating the discipline to get tasks done daily is not easy.  Especially as we all are juggling families, careers, and other stresses.  However, I've found that just knowing I have outstanding items to get done gives me an extra push to make it happen.  In a way it forces me not to take the easy way out or let myself down.  There are often days where I'm just too tired or don't want to exercise.  It's those days that actually create the most satisfaction when I force myself to do it.  

If you are ever having a bad day and just don't want to do anything...force yourself to get moving (take a walk, go for a run, go outside and take deep breathes, whatever your physical outlet may be), more often times than not you'll feel a sense of accomplishment that can energize you for the rest of the day.

What's my daily routine?

I'll summarize my routine in four points and then expand on them a bit further down.

  1. Have a consistent time of day for exercise sessions
  2. I alternate days between cardio and strength training
  3. I take daily vitamins & supplements
  4. Get to bed 'early'

First point is pretty straight forward...but can be hard to adhere to (life is always throwing us curve balls)!  I try to get my exercises done early in the morning.  It gives me a nice boost to get through the rest of the day and feels good to get accomplishments done first thing.  For me, waiting until the end of the day is much harder because I'm often exhausted by whatever surprises the day has brought!  The most important thing is to try and be as consistent as you can.  This is mainly to give your body enough time to recover.  For example, if you workout at the end of the day and then workout again the next morning...you haven't given yourself enough time to recover and you'll be exhausted mentally and physically.  

Secondly, I have found that alternating between cardio and strength training is important for proper recovery and overall muscle development.  In general, I avoid exercising the same muscle groups two days in a row.  Although I'm pretty strict in alternating between cardio and strength training...I like to switch up the exercises within each category.  

For example, when doing cardio I alternate between:

  • Outdoor cycling rides
  • Elliptical machine
  • Indoor cycling (Peloton)
  • Yoga
  • Running (although after twisting my ankle on some trails and knee pain...I've steered away from running lately).  

Similarly, for primary strength training routines I switch between:

  • Free weights & leg lifts
  • Heavy bag boxing sessions
  • Raised push-ups, leg-lifts, and chin-ups

Additionally, for strength training I usually throw in some aspect of pull-ups, chin-ups, or regular push-ups after finishing up the primary session.  Lastly, whether it's a cardio day or strength training day I end each session with sit-ups and plank.  Having a consistent finish to the session has been beneficial for me and forces me to finish strong when I reference my exercise journal (I don't ever want to finish with a lower result than the previous session)!

I have been toying around with making Monday, Wednesday, & Friday strength training days and Tuesday, Thursday cardio days with lighter cardio on Saturday and Sunday.  Reason being, I've been plateauing a bit lately in strength training gains...and I'm curious to see if backing off a bit could allow for even more recovery and thus improved results. I'll keep you posted!

Thirdly, after finishing up my exercise sessions I take vitamins and supplements.  Having the correct vitamin levels can work wonders for your immune system and overall well being.  This is something I feel pretty strongly about but before taking anything you should consult with a doctor or nutritionist.  Do not take items because they appear in any list (including mine).  What has worked best for me is:

  • Vitamin d3 & b12
  • Zinc (mostly when I'm beginning to feel under the weather)
  • Vitamin c w/ginger 
  • Curcumin 
  • Fire cider (apple cider vinegar with honey)
  • Elderberry 
  • Multi-vitamin
  • Creatine monohydrate
  • Whey protein isolate 

Lastly, it's always good to get a good night's sleep!  This is easier said than done (especially as a parent or those with inconsistent/unusual work hours), but can make a significant difference in how we feel each day.  Your body and mind need rest.  We are living in very unusual and stressful times...give your body and mind the rest it needs.

I hope that was beneficial for everyone to read through.  The above is just what happens to work for me.  It keeps me motivated and improves my mental happiness.  I still have a long way to go to be physically where I want to be, but remember we all have to start somewhere!  

The takeaway is that creating daily routines can help motivate you to get moving!  Even if it's your first day and you have a goal of 15 minutes of daily exercise...go for it!  Make it a routine and write it down.  Your mind will thank you.

Besides my blog you can also follow me on Instagram (Calrivan_llc), Facebook (Calrivan LLC), and Twitter (Calrivan LLC).


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